Seaford College Wellbeing Conference

As part of our commitment to mental health and wellbeing at the academy, Mrs. Trusler and Ms. Mol were fortunate to be invited to attend the fourth annual conference at Seaford College. 

With guest speakers including Karl Hopwood, founder of e-safety limited and Alicia Drummond, founder of The Wellbeing Hub, the day was informative and educational. In the afternoon we were able to experience the ‘Forest School’ at the college, with classes in knife work, pewter smelting and forest art.  

Our initial visit to Seaford College for their inaugural conference in 2019, informed the work we now do with our ‘Wellbeing Ambassadors.’ This student peer support is a vital part of the work at ‘No. 46’ which is a specialist house for student support at Seaford College. Our own wellbeing work at ‘Six Villages’ uses many of the strategies and approaches from our training and will continue over the coming years. 

We would like to thank Colleen Hayes for her excellent co-ordination of the event, Headmaster John Green and Assistant Head Jo Forman, for hosting such a well attended and presented event. We would also like to thank the contributors and our teachers for the afternoon for such an excellent professional development opportunity. We look forward to sharing with you again in the future and thank you all for your hospitality. 

Mrs. Trusler – Deputy designated safeguarding lead, Wellbeing Manager

Ms. Mol – Director of Learning, Mental health lead