Careers and Guidance Information

Our aim in Careers and Guidance is to prepare students for further education and employment by:

  • developing skills and talents for employment
  • contributing to raising their achievements and motivation
  • raising their awareness of their current and future life choices
  • enhancing their skills in coping with future transitions
  • enabling their access to Higher Education

In Year 7, pupils develop their self-awareness and learn to understand their strengths – these sessions are delivered through our PSHE programme.

Our enthusiastic, talented students have the ability to be successful in many different careers. Young peoples’ ideas develop as they grow and it is essential to support and guide students in the regular reviewing of their interests, priorities and potential. The importance of work shadowing and/or work experience throughout a young person’s school and university career cannot be underestimated, especially in the current economic climate and the academy is keen to facilitate as part of the work/college experience week in Year 10 but also in assisting students to find placements in the school holidays.

This is the outline plan for the Careers programme for this academic year. The table that follows it outlines what each event or strategy involves, its impact and links to the Gatsby Benchmarks, staff involved and the expected timeframe. Please be aware that planned events and activities may be subject to change

We believe it is important to regularly self-review the careers programme and the information, advice and guidance that we offer our students. A formal review is undertaken at the end of the academic year by the careers team which takes into account the views of students, parents and other stakeholders. These views are sought throughout the year as events take place and are evaluated. We also review ourselves against the Gatsby Benchmarks at least twice a year.

We measure and evaluate our careers programme via the 8 GATSBY Benchmarks:

1. A stable careers programme

  • We are looking to set up a programme of careers education and guidance within tutor time for all years and careers education will also be part of PSHE lessons for all students.
  • Information about future study options and the labour market is available to students at Open Evenings, through enrichment sessions that we hold for students, through assemblies and information sessions with local colleges and apprenticeship providers, and through drop in sessions with our careers lead Mr Marsh.
  • To identify students’ guidance needs, we ask them to complete a survey at the beginning of the academic year which explores their interests and future career path ideas. This information is then collated and shared with specific staff members. This means that we can target particular students for specific events that may be of interest to them and their future career paths.
  • We provide students with opportunities within the academy to have direct contact with employers by hosting drop in talks with visitors from a range of professions and backgrounds. We have invited in parents and local companies and training providers to speak with students about their experiences or their careers.
  • During their time with us,  students will also have the opportunity to attend a variety of careers fairs and events, whether this is off site or at school. These events allow our studentsto meet employers as well as people from colleges and universities.
  • In addition, we are making links with the Chichester College and Chichester University outreach teams in which we will seek to plan a programme of events which are linked with the both establishments.

2. Learning from career and labour market information

  • To identify the needs of our students in regards to careers guidance, all students are entitled to an appointment with an external careers adviser. This happens for all Year 10 students during the second half of the summer term. Most recently, this objective advice has been provided by the student support team at Chichester College.
  • Impartial advice from our external careers advisers can be arranged for any of our Year 8-11 students who are unsure of their future path. 
  • During National Careers Week, all students are made aware of the most up to date and relevant career and labour market information through assemblies and tutor time activities. 
  • Individual students are encouraged to speak with staff in regards to their future aspirations. Staff members then liaise with Directors of Learning and our careers leader, Mr Marsh, to help identify any further guidance and support the academy can give to the pupil.

3. Addressing the needs of each student

  • To address the needs of our students, we are going to be using Compass-plus as a careers and guidance tracker. This will allow us to keep track of their yearly surveys, conversations with pupils, any interactions with external visitors, on-site careers events and extra-curricular visits. 
  • From the information on the tracker, we organise trips, support, interventions and working lunches based on the data that has been returned. 
  • Compass-Plus will also allow each student who leaves us at the end of Year 11 to have a clear record of the experiences they have had relating to careers and post-16 pathways.

4. Linking curriculum learning to careers

  • All department curriculum pathway documents refer to future careers and higher education pathways.
  • Departments have displays that explain potential future careers relating to each subject or notable people in the world who studied that subject.
  • Options information and Options Evenings strongly link subjects and option choices to pupils’ future career plans and Post 16 pathways.
  • Departments are encouraged each year to invite external visitors from careers linking to their subjects to speak with students. This is strong in STEM subjects.

5. Encounters with employers and employees

  • Students at Ormiston Six Villages Academy have many encounters with employers and employees during their five years with us.
  • We provide work/college experience for Year 10 through a working partnership with Chichester College.
  • Students on external extra-curricular visits are told to consider the number of job roles and employment opportunities at the venues or locations that they visit.
  • Students in all year groups benefit from the expertise of external visitors in lessons, in assemblies and on ‘drop-down’ days.
  • All students have the opportunity to visit careers fairs over the course of their five years with us. This has been done in school on occasion but we are investigating the opportunity to attend external events.
  • Compass-Plus will record all of the encounters that students have. This allows us to target studentswho have missed out on encounters and present them with new opportunities. 

6. Experiences of workplaces

  • All Year 10 students participate in work/college experience during May or June. 
  • Currently run in conjunction with Chichester College, this provides them with experiences of a number of job roles, college courses and helps to develop their career path.

7. Encounters with further and higher education

  • Year 11 students have regular (at least once a half term) input from local colleges and apprenticeship providers. This is done through assemblies and meetings with small groups of students. These offer impartial advice on what Post 16 pathways are available.
  • Chichester University host business and enterprise sessions with our students in which they get to work with and ask questions of university tutors and students. 
  • Visits to universities happen every year for our most able students and to raise aspirations for girls in Years 9, 10 and 11.

8. Personal guidance

  • All students have personal guidance interviews in Y10 with external careers advisors.
  • Students can use lunch time drop-ins to speak with our careers leader, Mr Marsh, for information and guidance.
  • At any time of year parents and students from any year group can request an appointment with an independent careers advisor which will be arranged through Mr Marsh. If a follow up appointment is required, that can also be organised.
  • Parents and carers are welcome to attend careers appointments with their sons/daughters and after school appointments are available. 

To see the Provider access policy, please visit our policies page here.

Helpful information for Students, Parents, Teachers, and Employers

OAT Futures: Created by our academy chain, this site is being added to all the time and allows you to investigate a number of careers in the parts of the country that have OAT Academies.

BBC Bitesize: you can search by job or subject and watch videos about inspiring career and job roles. This site also offers you excellent tips on how to find a job and how to present yourself to a new employer

Buzz Quiz: Complete the quiz to find out what your skills and strengths are and what possible future careers lie in store for you! Click on the careers links after you’ve finished the quiz to see useful links and videos about specific jobs you might be interested in

Career Pilot: This link takes you to the front page of the website. From here, you can work through different taks and questions to help you find the course or career for you. Or you can jump right ahead to job searches which tell you what qualifications and skills you will need when leaving school.

BBC Bitesize: Please see the link set for students for job searches, videos and top tips. This site, however, is aimed specifically at parents to best support their children in making the best choices for future education and careers

Career Pilot: Parent Zone – this page will offer you a set of links helping you across a range of topics from options at age 14, Post 16 choices and what may be available for your child in the local job market once they reach a working age. Highly recommended

National Careers Service: Government website for people of all ages. This is very useful for looking at exploring careers and assessing your skills

BBC Bitesize: click the link to find out how your subject links to careers and future learning

Career Pilot: Use this site to find video and resource links for your specific subject

OAT Futures: Our own Academy Group website for all things career and Post 16 related. Please use this a s a resource with students. It is being added to all the time. Contact the site managers to ask for any extra support or content, or to add anything you think may be useful

Compass Plus: Use the log-in you will be given to add any extra-curricular activities that have had careers links. This allows us to provide all students with a record of achievement when they apply for their life after OSVA

The Careers and Enterprise Company: Invaluable advice on how employers can support young people and school leaders, whilst at the same time providing personal development for staff and identifying new talent for the future

EBP South – Work Experience: Our work experience partners. All legal, health and safety and suitibilty checks are carried out by EBP South. Their website explains the work experience process that we run and offers support and training for employers and businesses

Speakers for Schools – Work Experience advice: This site provides advice and support for employers who are looking to provide work experience placements

Access Arrangements: This is under our provider access policy   

Our next review of the published information is July 24