
At Six Villages we recognise the importance of safeguarding all students and staff.

We pride ourselves on ensuring that all students are able to learn in an environment which is both safe and supportive, whilst recognising the individual needs of all our students.

In order to support the safeguarding work that is undertaken here at the academy, we have a dedicated safeguarding team who are available should you or your child have concerns about any safeguarding issues. They can be contacted at [email protected]

Mr T Kidd

Safeguarding Lead / Assistant Principal

[email protected]
01243 546821

Mr P Slaughter

Principal/Deputy Safeguarding Lead

[email protected]

01243 546802

Mrs K Trusler

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead & Wellbeing Officer

[email protected]

01243 546807

Mrs T Turner

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead / Assistant Principal

[email protected]

01243 546803

Mr C Newberry

Safeguarding Governor