
The library at Six Villages is well stocked both with the latest children’s and young adult fiction and quality non-fiction texts to support study. In addition we have magazines, newspapers as well as a bank of computers and iPads for homework and research. It plays a vital role in supporting teachers with their lessons and students with their studies. However, it is also a haven of calm where students can read, relax, play chess, draw or just have some down time.

The Library is run by Ms Barkworth with support from her team of fantastic librarians.

The Library is open from 8.00am – 4.00pm (3.30pm on Friday), including break and lunchtimes. 

Students may borrow up to three books for a period of two weeks; books can be renewed by visiting the library on or before the due date.

Some of our books may be unsuitable for younger readers. These are marked with a 14+ sticker. However, these books can be borrowed by younger readers with a signed permission letter from a parent or guardian (please see Ms Barkworth for a letter).

Our main rule is respect.

  • Respect the books
  • Respect the facilities
  • Respect students’ right to quiet study or reading
  • Respect other students and staff

Books must be put back where you found them if you are not borrowing them.

The Library is primarily for quiet study, homework and reading.  We do not expect you to be silent, but you are expected to maintain a low conversational tone of voice.

  • Please sign in at the desk when you arrive.
  • Food and drink is not allowed in the library.
  • If you move chairs or tables please put them back before you leave.
  • All rubbish must be put into the correct bin

Failure to follow these rules could result in a ban from the library.

Some of the books in the  Six Villages library have themes that may be unsuitable for younger students.   These books have an age guidance of 14+ years due to the more mature content.  However if you are happy to allow your child to access these books, please could you give your permission by filling in this form below.

Permission Form

Accelerated Reader log in

This useful site will let you search to see if your book is included in the Accelerated Reader scheme.

The academy has an online version of our library catalogue. Students are encouraged to use this to help with research, to write reviews about books they have read and search for new books and other library resources.

The system includes a fantastic new feature called ‘Great new reads!’ which recommends new books and authors based on the books that you have already read.  You will be able to use this feature at home to help select your next book.

You can access the system here