Key Stage 4 Subject Specification and Information

Key Stage 4 Curriculum Links 

Subject Exam Board Link to Specification Staff 
Art and Design (fine art) AQA AQA | Art and Design | GCSE | GCSE Art and Design (Art, craft and design)     Mrs N Gavin 
[email protected]  
Art and Design (textiles) AQA AQA | Art and Design | GCSE | GCSE Art and Design (Art, craft and design)                    Mrs N Gavin 
[email protected]  
Biology  AQA GCSE Biology Specification Specification for first teaching in 2016 Miss E Clements  
[email protected]  
Business Studies NCFE NCFE Level 1/2 Technical Award in Business and Enterprise | NCFE Mr D Munt 
[email protected]  
Chemistry AQA GCSE Chemistry Specification Specification for first teaching in 2016 Miss E Clements  
[email protected]  
Computer Science OCR GCSE (9-1) Computer Science J277 Specification          Mrs N Gavin 
[email protected]  
Design Technology (three-dimensional design) AQA AQA | Art and Design | GCSE | GCSE Art and Design (Graphic communication)   Mrs N Gavin 
[email protected]  
Drama AQA AQA | Drama | GCSE | GCSE Drama Mr D Munt 
[email protected]  
English Language AQA AQA | English | GCSE | GCSE English Language  Mrs L Sutton 
[email protected]  
English Literature AQA AQA | English | GCSE | GCSE English Literature  Mrs L Sutton 
[email protected]  
Geography AQA AQA | Geography | GCSE | GCSE Geography Mr C Marsh 
History  OCR – History B GCSE – History B (Schools History Project) (9-1) – J411 The People’s Health – P15 The Elizabethans – P20 History Around Us – P22 The Making of Ameria – P27 Living Under Nazi Rule – P31  Mr R Rondel  
[email protected]  
Mr C Marsh 
[email protected]  
Hospitality and Catering WJEC Level 1/2 Vocational Award in Hospitality and Catering Mrs N Gavin
 [email protected]  
Philosophy, Religion and Ethics AQA AQA | Religious Studies | GCSE | GCSE Religious Studies Mr C Marsh
 [email protected]  
Mr I Markatatos
 [email protected]  
Photography AQA AQA | Art and Design | GCSE | GCSE Art and Design (Art, craft and design)             Miss A Goacher
 [email protected]  
Physics  AQA GCSE Physics Specification Specification for first teaching in 2016 Miss E Clements
 [email protected]  
Physical Education AQA Physical Education GCSE 8582 Specification Mr M Dacombe
 [email protected]  
Maths AQA AQA | Mathematics | GCSE | GCSE Mathematics Mrs S Moodie
 [email protected]  
Mr M McConville
 [email protected]  
Music OCR GCSE – Music (9-1) – J536 Mr D Munt [email protected]   
Sociology  AQA GCSE Sociology Specification Specification for first teaching in 2017 Mr C Marsh
 [email protected]  Mr T Kidd [email protected]  
Science Trilogy (combined) AQA GCSE Combined Science: Trilogy Specification Specification for first teaching in 2016 Miss E Clements
  [email protected]  
Travel and Tourism Pearson  Travel & Tourism (2022) | BTEC Tech Awards | Pearson qualifications Mr C Marsh
 [email protected]