All students will gain a variety of careers and/or post 16 related experiences across their school journey. These may include activities in conjunction with local colleges and universities to explore higher and further education, opportunities, apprenticeship and work experience advice, as well as life skills and well being sessions with external providers and speakers.
96% of our students stay in education or enter employment after Key Stage 4. This is above both Local Authority and National Average.
At Six Villages we are committed to ensuring that our Careers provision meets all the current guidelines for good practice, in order to prepare and equip our students for their future careers.
We measure and evaluate our programme via the 8 GATSBY Benchmarks and have recently embarked on the Quality in Careers Provision programme.
There is a statutory duty to give independent careers guidance for all students from Year 8 onwards and the Government also recommends that all schools should be required to work towards the national Quality in Careers Standard.
The academy will offer a range of activities to introduce students to the world of work and help them make decisions about life after school. The academy works very closely with a number of different providers to ensure every opportunity is given to our students and to make them aware of all that is available to them.
Please contact Mr C Marsh if you have any queries about our careers guidance programme.
Email: [email protected]
01243 546820
To see the Provider access policy and the CEIAG policy please visit our policies page here.