Good grades in any subject at GCSE or beyond are equally demanding. We know that different subjects nurture and challenge a variety of skills. It is therefore important the subjects chosen to study over the next two years match students’ interest and skill set. We are here to support you through this process.
Below are the links to our options Information, options timetable, curriculum videos, link to the online options as well as the options booklet. These should give you a flavour of what each course involves and how it is assessed.
Find below key information about this year’s option process for year 9. If you cannot find the information you need, please contact your child’s tutor or either Mrs May (Year 9 Director of Learning) or Mr Case, (Vice Principal) and they will get back to you as soon as possible.
Mrs May: [email protected]
Mr Case: [email protected]
The timetable for the key stage 4 options process is outlined below:
January 2025 – Teachers will speak to students directly about the GCSE/vocational courses available in their subject. Early survey is sent out to students via Microsoft Forms
Monday 3rd March – Year 9 Options assembly. The full options process is explained to students. An opportunity for Mr. Case and Mrs May to answer any questions.
Thursday 6th March – Options information evening via Microsoft Teams (click on link below), 6:00-6:30pm. An opportunity to ask any questions relating to options which have not been addressed elsewhere. The option process is open; students can begin to select their options.
Thursday 6th March – Options Information Hub and Application Form goes live on our Academy Website.
Monday 10th-17th March – Options focus within tutor time. Options videos are shared with students during tutor time. Teachers will speak to students directly about the GCSE/vocational courses available in their subject
Monday 24th March – Deadline for online option choices. Options Form to be submitted via Microsoft Forms. No changes can be made past this point.
Summer 1 Term – Mr. Case and Mrs. May to speak with students whose choices may not be running or for whom there are clashes.
Summer Term 2 – All students will find out which options they have prior to the summer holidays.
Yellow = Subjects included in the EBACC (English Bachelorette)
Students must choose at least one subject highlighted in yellow.
Some students may want to study the English Baccalaureate, there is information about this in both the Options PowerPoint and Booklet. For these students they must choose: Triple Science or Computer Science, Geography or History, French or Spanish and one more option from the blocks (student choice).
The Options Evening has passed however please see the recording below.