No Water, academy site closed.

Dear Parents and Carers

If you are local, you will probably be aware that there is either low pressure water or no water at all. We have contacted Portsmouth Water and Southern Water who confirm there has been a serious incident in Bognor Regis.

At school here, we have no water.

Unfortunately, the water boards cannot give any  information as to when this issue will be rectified.

In line with Health & Safety guidance, we cannot keep the academy open as we have no water, which also means we have no toilet facilities, no drinking water and no heating.

Please come and collect your child as soon as possible.

If you give your child permission to make their own way home, please send them a text so we can verify consent to release them.

We are contacting the bus company to find out if there is availability for buses to return to school. You will understand this will take a prolonged period of time as many bus companies do not open until 9am.

We will update again in due course.