GCSE Presentation Evening

Tuesday 6th December 2021, 7.00 pm

It gives me great pleasure to invite you and your family to our Annual Presentation Evening to recognise the successes of the 2022 Year 11 students. The Presentation Evening will take place on Tuesday 6th December at 7.00pm on the academy campus. I hope that you will be able to join us to celebrate this special occasion, which aims to acknowledge successes achieved through a superb level of commitment, determination and a collective desire to succeed. It is an opportunity for students to meet up again and for parents to join together to celebrate the achievement of this cohort.

The evening will begin with an informal reception. The formal part of the evening will involve the presentation of the GCSE examination certificates, as well as subject and special awards. Smart dress is politely requested for this occasion.

In order for us to make arrangements for this evening, I would be very grateful if you could confirm your attendance by Friday 25th November by emailing our Exams and Assessment Coordinator on [email protected] or by completing this form https://forms.office.com/r/vYvYsdLSQV. The link is also available on our website.

Please note that as they need to be prepared in advance, certificates will only be presented to you on 6th December if you confirm your attendance in advance.

We are really excited to welcome the class of 2022 back to the academy for what will be a super evening.

Yours faithfully

Mr Paul Slaughter
