Since our return in March we have been able to start two new groups in our ‘Music For All’ programme. 7A and 7B have now commenced the violin, and have already learnt the correct under the chin hold, and are already confident playing pizzicato. They have just started playing with the bow, following the practising of the bow hold. Students in these groups have been asked to keep working on this even when they don’t have their violin out at home. A simple picking up of a pencil or pen in the right hand, keeping the hand and pencil horizontal will help with this.
I am really impressed with the speed both groups have grasped the playing, and look forward to hearing the progress in future weeks. You can listen to a little from both groups below:
Students in 7E who were also learning the violin before the Christmas break have also had the opportunity to continue with this, as part of our enrichment programme. These students are now really developing their confidence in playing with the bow, and using different fingers in their left hand to play a wider range of notes. We hope they will be able to demonstrate their skills in a future event.
Anyone who currently plays the violin in Year 7 is welcome to come along and join the enrichment group, which meets on Tuesdays after school.
Mr D Munt, Head of Arts